Phytochemical and Antibacterial screening of cichorium intybus seeds use in traditional medicine systems in Pakistan

Rahimullah, Tanzeela Ghani, Sayed Tahir Shah, Mujaddad-ur-Rehman, Azam hayat


In human health care system and herbal medicine therapeutic plants show a significant role. Phytochemical are present in different parts of the plants. Cichorium intybus is one of the most significant therapeutic herbs belonging to family Asteraceae. The present study, elaborates phytochemical & antibacterial analysis of cichorium intybus seeds by agar well diffusion method by using Ethanol, Chloroform, Hexane & Aqueous extracts. S.aureus and E.coli were used as tested bacteria in this study. All the seeds extract of C.intybus plant was showed activity against both organisms but Aqueous extract were more active and show large inhibition zone against S. aureus. Hexane, ethanol & chloroform extracts show significant zone of inhibition against both organisms. The finding of this study suggests that the medicinal plant has significant antibacterial activity and can utilize for the treatment and control of infection.

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International Journal of Basic Medical Sciences and Pharmacy (IJBMSP): ISSN: 2049-4963